Help us support the next generation of Tekes with Phase 1 of our Century Campaign. We aim to achieve $75,000 by Summer 2022.

Fundraising Progress

*Updated: 1/19/2021


How do we hope to achieve this goal?

We’re glad you asked! Tens of thousands of individuals have shared the remarkable experiences forged through brotherhood, friendships, and Cougar Football Saturdays. We hope to tap into that same energy many men and women carried with them during their collegiate years and well beyond their glory days.

By launching this ambitious initiative to support the Chapter, we hope our efforts reconnect us with those who we’ve lost touch. In return, we hope to grow our network in supporting our chapter and community. Ready to get started? Consider making a donation today.


A Message from Kyle Erdman,
TKE Century Campaign Chairman


In December of 2027 – we will be celebrating a major milestone as the Alpha-Gamma chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon: 100 Years since our original founding. The TKE Alpha-Gamma Board of Directors is excited to kick off our Century Campaign in order to make needed repairs and renovations to our beloved TKE house. We need the support of all Fraters throughout the years to make this vision a reality. The goal of this campaign is to lay the foundation for another 100 years of TKE at WSU. 

We hope you can join us in donating your time, talent, or treasure in the efforts to make the TKE house the positive experience that it was for you during your collegiate years. The first phase of this initiative is PHASE ONE- THE ROOF. The goal for this project is $75,000 to fund a new roof over our member’s heads. Luckily for me during my time in the TKE house, I did not have to worry about a leaky ceiling during the winter months in Pullman – that unfortunately will not be the case in the years ahead. To protect the TKE house from amplified damage, and to support the well-being of our members - we are ready to shift our fundraising efforts for this specific cause.

Our Century Campaign will continue through the next 6 years to make a better TKE house during our Centennial Celebration in 2027. We thank you for the consideration, and look forward to having all of us together for the centennial celebration.

If you have any questions, or would like to be a part of the Century Campaign in a leadership capacity – please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly:

Make a Donation

It all begins with an idea. It becomes a reality from members/friends like you. Thank you for visiting our page, and for your consideration. We hope this campaign sparks what TKE means to you. The TKE Century Campaign cannot exist without the action of our fraternity alumni base; without the impact of the fraternity for life.


Recent Gifts *Excluding Anonymous Donors

  • Lee Aspaas - Scroll 577

  • Gary Willis - Scroll 949

  • Kristina Benson - True TKE Sweetheart

  • Jeffrey Boggs - Scroll 1117

  • John Richardson - Scroll 962

  • Mark Messner - Scroll 1250

  • Tyler Britz - Scroll 1298

  • Gery Gehrmann - Scroll 617

  • Sean Jaqua - Tau Chapter

  • Brian Larson - Scroll 1138

  • John & Veronica Canaday

  • Don Lionetti - Scroll 1107

  • Jake Adkins - Scroll 1459

  • Ken Safranek - Scroll 1294

  • Russell LeSieur - Scroll 1475

  • Donnie Aldrich - Rho-Upsilon Chapter

  • Ryan King - Scroll 1457

  • Ty Ullman - Scroll 1224

  • John DeTurk - Scroll 1148

  • Mike Johnson - Scroll 1458

  • Suzie Alan - True TKE Sweetheart

  • Ryan Pendleton - Scroll 1557

  • Carol Benson- True TKE Sweetheart

  • Erik Eastgard - Scroll 1484

  • Kristina Benson - True TKE Sweetheart

  • Christine Hicks - True TKE Sweetheart

  • Kyle Erdman - Scroll 1460

  • Darren Brady - Scroll 1503

  • Daniel Klopfenstein - Scroll 1525

  • Tom Nelson - Scroll 1171


Get Involved

Get in touch or reconnect with the Alpha-Gamma Chapter today. This page is managed by both active chapter members and alumni volunteers, so response times may vary based on school and work schedules.

Spread the World

Help us reconnect with alumni and friends of the fraternity near and far. Sign up for the newsletter and share to increase your impact today. And follow the chapter on social media below.